Circle the correct tense (71 фото)

Correct Tense. Find the correct Tense. Correct past Tense.
Simple Tenses correct the mistakes. Choose the correct Tense.
Circle the correct tense
Fill in the correct question Word. Question Words fill in the correct question Word. Choose the correct Tense. Underline the correct Tense Lynne was.
Correct Tense. English Tenses exercises. Sentence structure in English exercises. Sequence of Tenses exercise.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Put the verbs in the correct Tense. Read the Dialogue and put the verbs into the correct Tense form ответы. Choose the correct Tense. Read the Dialogue and put the verbs into the correct Tense form 5 класс ответы.
Last Monday какое время. Last Saturday какое время. On Monday какое время. Английский last, this, next.
Put the verbs in the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense. Form sentences in the correct present Tense 8 класс 1c. Choose the correct Tense form he a Letter at the moment ответы.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Correct Tense. Find the correct Tense. Correct past Tense.
Choose the correct Tense.
Open the Brackets use the correct Tense. Open the Brackets using present perfect. Choose the correct Tense.
Put the verbs in the correct Tense. Put the verbs in the correct Tense form. Open the Brackets use the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense compare with your partner 9 класс английский. 9 Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense compare with your partner. Choose the correct Tense.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the present simple or the present Continuous. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form. Put the verbs in the correct Tense form.
Open the Brackets use the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense form he a Letter at the moment ответы.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Present Tense. Презент Tenses. Present Tenses правило. Present Tenses таблица.
Use the verbs to complete the Letter put them in the correct Tense 5. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense as in the example.
Circle the correct tense
Put the verbs in Brackets into the past simple or the past Continuous 7 класс. Put the verbs in Brackets into the past simple Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the past Tense. Тест 2 английский язык 7 класс put the verbs in Brackets into the past simple.
Circle the correct tense
Circle the correct tense
Open the Brackets using Future simple. Open the Brackets use the correct Tense. Yesterday какое время вопрос. They've make an awful mess упражнения на презент Перфект ответы.
Circle the correct tense
Английский язык Grammar exercises. Упражнения English Tenses. Английский present Tenses упражнения. Упражнения на времена в английском языке.
Choose the correct Tense. Make questions перевод. Underline the correct Tense Lynne was singing had Sung.
Circle the correct tense
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Put the verbs into the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form.
There is some any Milk in the Fridge ответы. There is some Milk in the Fridge или any. Some any Milk. There is there are some any.
Past Tenses упражнения. Change в паст Симпл. Sing прошедшее время. Chinese Grammar exercises.
There is there are упражнения 1 класс. Задания по английскому there is there are 3 класс. There was there were упражнения. Упражнения there is there are negative.
Complete the sentences with the correct Tense she visit. Choose the correct Tense. Complete the sentences with the correct Tense 1) he___ (watch). Choose the correct Tense form he a Letter at the moment ответы.
Put the verbs in the correct Tense form. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct form. Choose the correct Tense.
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense.
Past simple Regular Irregular verbs Worksheets for Kids. Неправильные глаголы Worksheets. Past simple неправильные глаголы Worksheets. Regular and Irregular verbs for Kids.
Complete the gaps with the correct Word. Choose the correct Tense. Fill in the gaps with the suitable Words. Fill in the gap choosing the right Tence form.
Choose the correct Tense.
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Open the Brackets use the correct Tense. Open the Brackets conditionals. Open the Brackets using conditional 1.
Circle the correct tense
Choose the correct Tense. Present Continuous 2 класс упражнения для детей.
Write the verbs in Brackets in the correct Tense. Choose the correct Tense.
Put the verbs in Brackets in the right Tense form. Put the verbs in the correct Tense.
Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. 21 Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense why was tim so tired last Night учебник какой. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense what should i Wear at the. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense перевод.
Circle the correct tense
Short answers.
We went to the Cinema yesterday. Have been already или have already been. Английский read and correct. Предложения с she has.
My Exam me ответы. Choose the correct Tense. Rewrite these sentences use be able to 1 Ashley could Play Piano when she was Seven.
Fill in the correct form of the verb. Conditionals в английском exercises. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in Brackets. Fill in the gaps with verbs in past simple.
Circle the correct tense
Choose the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense. Put the verbs in Brackets into the correct Tense 9 класс. Open the Brackets use the correct Tense.
Circle the correct tense
Choose the correct Tense.